Turns out we have a bird reading the blog, we will be putting moisturiser on next and eating fucking quiche at this rate!
Anyway supposed regular reader and full time cunt Joanne Ayeoop emailed me the other day, and testament to her, told me a story about a scratching she had way back in 2007 or something. Over to you Joanne.
I have a scratching story to tell you and it happened fucking ages ago, Christmas 2007 to be precise. I was out on the smash in some wanky jazz pub place by centenary square / paradise forum (that's Birmingham for any of you cunts who dont know) can't even remember the name it was so long ago... Anyway, I was about 9 pints of cider deep and fucking starving. I could have quiete easily eaten a scabby monkey fried in clarts, what I did get was probably worse to be honest. I toddled over to the bar and was gobsmnacked this wanky pseudo trendy cak hole I was in even sold scrtatchings so when I clocked them I was in like fucking flynn. I ate most of the cunts but lurking at the bottom, well I was so disgusted by what came out of the packet that I had to photograph it... I am still amazed, I have to keep the pictures as evidence...
It looks like a really stubby deformed cock |
Who would have thought that some dickhead would write a blog about it and share it all these years later!!...You really are a cunt.
I have to say I have never purchased a packet since!!! I feel better for sharing... now please don't swear at me or call me a cunt!!! ta
Ok Joanne - thanks for sharing. I promise I have not altered any of your words, called you a cunt, or embellished your story in any way whatsover*
* I have - you cunt.
If you would like me to ridicule you in anyway, make you appear more sweary than you actually are or simply provide me with any mildy interesting subject matter for this woeful attempt at a blog then email me on piesley@yahoo.com
Birds on the blog?
I've always thought that there was more than a whiff of lavender about you Danny.
You'll be giving up beer and drinking spritzers next.
You Cunt.
Misquoting???? You Daniel? Neh, neh and thrice neh? Ohhh.....hold on haven't you misquoted me before now?
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